Dimboola Memorial Secondary College  Enrolment

Dimboola Memorial Secondary College

Qkr! app for payments


Qkr! app for payments


DMSC uses the Qkr! app for payments for excursions, camps, uniform (hats, beanies, bags), parent payments, computers and food from the canteen. Parents can still make payments using BPAY, EFTPOS or direct debit.

You can:

  • Order and pay for your recess and lunch food (all items are on the app). You can also order days before their lunch order.
  • Pay and sign permission forms for camps and excursions - avoiding the need to sign a paper copy. All of the information about the event is on your phone to access at any time.
  • Purchase a school hat, beanie or bag.
  • Pay for your child's computer and Parent Payment.
  • If your child has their own bank card, they can join Qkr! themselves to pay for food at the canteen.

Memorial Building Graphic

post PO Box 40 | Dimboola | Victoria, 3414
phone 03 5389 1460
fax 03 5389 1981
email dimboola.memorial.sc@education.vic.gov.au

Wangara Consulting

Website by Wangara Consulting